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A few nice Weight loss images I found:

00 SGD Capsule (Pill) camera… PillCam® SB
Weight loss
Image by David Yeo T. B.
This capsule camera, brand name PillCam® is the most expensive camera (in term of size vs. dollars; it measures 26mm in length and 11mm in diameter and weigh less than 4 grams, @ 2 fps) compared to those cameras you own, and it a "single-use" only camera.

It is to be taken orally, when swallowed takes pictures of your gastrointestinal tract. It helps doctors find the cause for symptoms that don’t seem to go away such as stomach pain, diarrhea, weight loss, rectal bleeding and anemia. Unlike some other tests, the PillCam® procedure does not require sedation, takes place right in your doctor’s office and allows you to go on with your normal daily activities, it travels through the body and transmits the images to a computer so your physician can view them and make a diagnosis.

The PillCam® SB capsule is designed specifically to help your doctor see inside your small bowel (small intestine) to diagnose disorders such as Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, benign and cancerous tumors, ulcerative colitis as well as others disorders. The small intestine is the part of the gastrointestinal tract that connects the stomach to the large intestine and absorbs nutrients For more info see here

It costs me 00 SGD… :’-(. Oh. it was not for me, it was for my mom.

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