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Some cool diabetes diet images:

November 3 2007 day 23 – Baking while being diabetic
diabetes diet
Image by DeathByBokeh
Today marks the last day of the weekly focus topic of Food in the Diabetes 365 project. The biggest challenge for a diabetic is food, because what a diabetic consumes directly and immediately impacts blood sugars. We are fortunate that we live in a time where we can continue to indulge in tasty treats while watching our carbs. The advent of sugar-free syrups, low carb. flours, low/non fat cream cheese and other healthy low fat and low carb. ingredients have made it easier for diabetics to concoct tasty treats that rival the original recipe.
I embarked on a baking spree today. I’m trying two new recipes. I’m experimenting with a low fat mocha cheesecake, and I’m also trying to concoct low carb. pumpkin cake. How did they turn out?I don’t know. The cheesecake just came out of the oven, and is cooling down before it goes into the refrigerator. The pumpkin cake is now in the oven, hopefully rising.
I’m just glad that I have the ability to procure the ingredients and try these recipes. Here’s the irony: It is cheaper to eat high carb., high fat foods than it is to lead a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet. This is another sad aspect of diabetes. It is not a poor man’s disease.

There is no cure for diabetes, yet.

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