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Stem cells: Dietary fat promotes intestinal dysregulation
In mice, a high-fat diet has now been found to induce intestinal progenitor cells to adopt a more stem-cell-like fate, altering the size of the gut and increasing tumour incidence. See Article p.53 …. Furthermore, it is not known whether an HFD …

EXCLUSIVE: Ward off heart disease and diabetes by eating THESE foods each day
A. The problem is that we are unaware of how many of the foods we eat contain large amounts of added sugar, so the average person is eating more than is sensible for a balanced and healthy diet. Q. What is the biggest source of hidden sugar, in your …

Dr. Gifford-Jones: How does my diet compare with the Mayo Clinic's?
Remember, you can have the most nutritious heart healthy meal available on the plate, but if it's a large portion you still get a ton of calories which means weight gain and increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes have a 50 …
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Diabetes Prevention Classes Hosted by Solano County this Month
Nationally, 1 in 3 adults (or 33 percent) have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose (sugar) levels are high, but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. The rates are even higher in California at 38 percent. These numbers …

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