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Check out these diabetes diet images:

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PowerPlay Obesity Management
diabetes diet
Image by heacphotos
Nutrition educator Ana Rezendiz teaches parents to identify and prepare healthier food while their children with Type 2 diabetes learn how to calculate the sugar and calorie content of foods in an adjacent room. The innovative Pediatric Weight Maintenance ongoing program was designed for participants who have completed two-months of weekly, two-hour sessions through PowerPlayMD-OC program. This particular class was held in Spanish and the clinic works extensively with the Latino community, which has particularly high rates of obesity and diabetes.

In the past Type 2 diabetes was seen primarily in adults over age 40 and labelled adult-onset diabetes, but in recent years an increasing amount of children have been diagnosed with it. Unlike Type 1 diabetes, which is caused by genetics and requires insulin injections, Type 2 is primarily controlled by diet and physical activity. Learning to manage diabetes on a daily basis is critical to avoiding severe side effects such as organ failure, blindness, limb amputation and early death. One in every 4 children in Orange County is overweight, a near doubling over the last twenty years. Obesity affects at least 150,000 children in the county and is characterized as an epidemic across the U.S. by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Only 1% of children are meeting all of the dietary guidelines and the current youth is the most inactive generation in history. Childhood obesity contributes to asthma, menstrual irregularities, depression and low self-esteem.

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