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Some cool Weight loss images:

If Wishing could Make it so
Weight loss
Image by Svadilfari
A vintage postcard from the mid 20th century

A Banana a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!!!
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Image by VinothChandar
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Intestinal Health
Green bananas contain compounds called short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which nourish the cell tissue lining of the small intestine, dramatically enhancing the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients.

Colonic Cancer Prevention
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), SCFAs also have a protective role in preventing cancer of the colon.

Childhood Shigellosis
According to a report in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, mature green bananas are effective in reducing the clinical severity of a diarrheal disease called childhood shigellosis.

Diabetics Diet
Green bananas offer diabetics a high-energy, low-calorie source of carbohydrates, which meets the glycemic requirements recommended for their diets.

Weight Loss
Green bananas help boost metabolism, increasing the body’s capacity to burn fat, which is beneficial for overweight individuals. They are also a high-energy food that is beneficial to athletes.

Read more: Green Bananas Health Benefits |….

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Weight Loss
Weight loss
Image by DoNotLick
The photo on the left was taken on February 2, 2008 in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia. The photo on the right was taken on July 2, 2011 in Alamo Square, San Francisco.

On the left I’m approximately 170 pounds, and on the right I’m 112.6 pounds.

The photo on the left represents my weight maximum. After that trip I generally tried to eat less and eat healthier, and lost about 10 pounds through doing so over the next three years. I officially began the paleo diet on January 10, 2011, and weighed 156.5 pounds on that day. I followed that diet for 6 months, and I lost 49.3 pounds in that period.

Modus operandi:

– Avoided carbs (including starches) and sugars, entirely where possible
– Mostly ate raw fruit (not blended, no juice), cooked meat, nuts, and eggs. Mostly avoided cheese. Generally followed advice on
– Most frequent foods: bananas, raw almonds, raw pistachios, bacon
– Reduced calories to 800-1000 per day
– To ward off sugar cravings, drank diet soda and chewed gum
– Diet deviation mostly happened in the form of occasional beer or glass of wine
– Exercise was light to moderate: walking, hang gliding, some weight-lifting

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